Pain into Purpose: How the bullshit in your life can actually be beneficial.

I wish I could tell you that I consciously and systematically found my true passion after extensive, monk-like meditation, reading a library of books on every topic that I had even minimal interest in, and ultimately, a vision for my future that was so clear the path was as bright as the Texas sun.


But none of that shit happened.


You wanna know how I really uncovered my passion?


A ridiculous, overwhelming, sometimes debilitating amount of Pain.


Pain from the thoughts that I was worthless and would never be good enough.

Pain from the fear of not being perfect and having everyone's approval.

Pain from an abusive relationship.

Pain from the depression that came with the loss of my true self.

Pain from a scary, non-consensual sexual interaction.

Pain from the feeling that my life was completely out of control.

Pain because I chose to leave a marriage that, to many, looked perfect.



You know what I learned about Pain? It’s a great fucking motivator!


But, the Messy Middle is hard. It takes some work. Difficult work.

Not everybody is going to understand or support your decisions. In fact, they may walk out of your life. That’s ok – if they can’t love you in the bad times they sure as hell don’t deserve to love you in the good times.

People may not even believe you when you tell them what happened to you or what you’re struggling with. That’s ok too – it could be too hard for them to grasp or maybe even too difficult for them to talk about. (spoiler alert: they are petrified to admit it but they might be struggling with it too)


So how did I get from Pain to Purpose?


It turns out, my passion came from the places that caused me the most Pain.

I’ve made it my mission, MY DREAM, to help you get out from under YOUR Pain.

To help you understand that Pain is not a set-back, it’s a SET-UP for something massive to shift your thinking and completely change the trajectory of your life.

That your Pain does not define you but it can absolutely REALIGN you.

To show you a way that Pain can actually be a good thing in your life. (I know! I can FEEL you hating this...just trust me...)

That Pain, while uncomfortable, is mostly just thoughts we have in our head that we aren't paying attention to and causing our feelings. (You heard that right, the circumstance of your Pain is not the problem, it's how you're thinking about it.)


My big, hairy, audacious goal is to speak and inspire women across the globe to own their worth, fiercely love themselves, and create the badass life they so richly deserve so they can accomplish every goal they’ve ever imagined.

In fact, the goal SO big that the only way I would ever be able to achieve it was to grow into the person who COULD.


Is it easy. Not at all.

Is it worth it. Ab-so-fucking-lutely.


Even the most beautiful flower had to push past some dirt to reveal its gorgeous self.

It’s truly MY honor and privilege to walk along-side you while we push the damn dirt (aka: Pain) out of the way and create the perfect conditions for you to grow and thrive.






List of Epic Shit in 2016