Why? The real truth about why I get up in the morning.

If you're like me, you're one of the more than 27 million people who has watched Simon Sinek's TED Talk and then immediately tried to consume every ounce of his work because it spoke so deeply to you.

Initially I applied the principles to my work in Corporate America. Big or small, the companies were doing exactly what Simon explained; we knew (for the most part) what we did and how we did it, but if you asked me, or anyone else for that matter, WHY we did the work you'd never get an answer that really resonated.

When I decided I wanted to become a life coach I asked myself some tough questions:

  • Do you really think you can start your own business?

  • Where would you get appropriate and robust training?

  • How much is this going to cost?

  • Would I be a good coach?

  • Who would I coach?

  • What would I coach?

  • Do I need a logo and a website?

All of those questions are fine and dandy, but is that what would get me out of bed in the morning, push me to schedule evening and weekend coaching sessions, to write content when I really just wanted to binge watch Netflix or inspire me to push when it got hard (really hard).

When Simon talks about The Golden Circle, he explained that the most influential element to creating desire and motivation is knowing your WHY. Why do you do what you do.

Why do I want to coach you? Well I know you've already accomplished some epic shit in your life but I believe what is holding you back is your ability to love yourself, own your worth, take action in your life, and ultimately to be HAPPY again. So my WHY is to inspire you to do just that.

I believe this is my purpose because I've been there. Because I've worked my ass off trying to be perfect and impress everybody, I understand what it feels like to constantly feel overwhelmed and never good enough. Because I've chased jobs, money and love, hoping that would be the thing that finally made me feel happy and worthy. I know what it means to dig deep and get really uncomfortable before owning my fierce power where I am responsible for everything in my life, not someone or something else.

I get up every day and show up to GIVE. Give you confidence in yourself, to give you support on the hard days, and to give you proof that it can be done! I want to inspire women, all over the world, to BE more, HAVE more, DO more. I want to inspire women to love who they are, just exactly as they are. I want to inspire women to show up in a big way and be bold in their life and the lives of others.

To inspire. That is why.

What's your why? Feeling like you NEED a why to have purpose and passion for your life again. Lets chat.

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